
【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕



◆支援HDMI/Mini DisplayPort/DisplayPort介面?



◆3840X2160 4K2K UHD高解析度?



Service Code可在台灣Dell Support Site註冊


Dell Ultra HD 4k Monitor P2415Q 23.8-Inch Screen LED-Lit Monitor

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  • With 99% sRGB color coverage, and a factory color calibration report to certify that each monitor arrives at a deltaE of <3, youcan be sure that colors are as accurate as they can be.

  • Maximize your viewing options by adjusting the monitor to your desired height, or easily tilt or swivel to your preferred angle.Pivot from landscape to portrait view to easily see full pages at a glance.

  • Feel free to mount the panel head to the Dell Single Monitor Arm or the wall for even more flexible viewing options


液晶螢幕 開箱比較實測 液晶螢幕 創意開箱Your vision in extraordinary detail.


Expect beautiful 4K clarity on the 23.8-inch Dell Ultra HD monitor with four times the resolution of Full HD, wide color coverage and reliable performance.

  • Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 resolution: Over 8 million pixels with four times the resolution of Full HD, plus wide color coverage at 99% sRGB (deltaE <3).

  • Seamless connection to other peripherals: Connect to laptops, tablets and other devices without compromising on picture quality.


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Exceptional screen clarity.

料理家電媒體評價The Dell 24 Ultra HD 4K Monitor – P2415Q is 23.8-inch of gorgeous 3840 x 2160 resolution. That’s over 8 million pixels – with four times more detail than Full HD resolution. The high pixel density helps you see extremely fine details onscreen so you can view and edit higher resolution photos and more. Create your masterpiece with more clarity and color enhancement – all at a price you can afford.

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Full adjustability.

Enjoy every detail the Dell 24 Ultra HD 4K Monitor – P2415Q provides in total comfort, thanks to full adjustability.

- The included stand enables tilt (5° forward or 21° backward), pivot, swivel and even provides built-in cable-management.

- Customize your viewing experience with a height-adjustable stand, or save desktop space by detaching the stand for wall mounting with a VESA-compatible 100 x 100 millimeters wall mount kit. (Wall mounting equipment sold separately.)

Nearly perfect color accuracy.

You can count on natural and consistent color across different mediums because each monitor is factory tuned at 99% sRGB with a color calibration factory report certifying that each monitor has a deltaE < 3. That means you get precise color coverage right out of the box at an amazing high-color depth of 1.07 billion colors. Each hue remains consistent from virtually any viewpoint with an ultra-wide viewing angle at 178°/ 178°.


All-digital connectivity.

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Connect easily with other peripherals simultaneously, and view content from your handheld devices on the monitor screen – all without compromising picture quality.

  • With DisplayPort 1.2*, you can daisy-chain two monitors side by side by connecting via the DP-in and DP-out ports, eliminating the need to link every one of your monitors to the PC and reducing cable clutter.液晶螢幕 名人推薦 液晶螢幕 上市

  • Charge or power BC1.2**-compatible and other USB devices with a high-speed USB 3.0 charging port.

  • Connect to MHL compatible smartphone or tablet and display content directly on the larger monitor screen via MHL.

Eco-conscious design.


The Dell 24 Ultra HD 4K Monitor – P2415Q meets the latest regulatory and environmental standards. Made with premium-quality materials, this Ultra HD 4K monitor is BFR/PVC-free (excluding external cables) and has arsenic-free glass, a mercury-free LED panel, and a chassis made of more than 25 percent post-consumer recycled materials.


液晶螢幕 優缺點排行榜 特賣會價格 液晶螢幕

Brand NameDell
Item model numberP2415Q
Item Weight12.4 pounds
Item Dimensions L x W x H22.31 x 19.67 x 8.07 inches

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【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕

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【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕






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【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


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【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


【美國代購】DELL P2415Q Ultra HD 4K 24型IPS寬螢幕


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多家電視頻道業者2017年都不好過,但東森電視卻能異軍突起,有別於其他業者,東森選擇擁抱網路,聚焦不同平台的內容發展,走出自己的路,2017年上半年營收及獲利都創下歷史同期新高,在媒體寒冬中逆勢創佳績。近年各種網路平台及OTT業者發展多元,但也成為頻道內容等媒體產業的新挑戰,東森電視策略長吳瑞斌表示,媒體的影音內容發展要隨不同終端設備、不同場合,提供不同服務,現在競爭對手還包含網紅、短視頻跟自製短劇,東森電視策略很清楚,專注內容,同時從2015年投入大量資源建立網路團隊,已經有不錯成果。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }

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#innity-in-post { border-bottom: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important; width: 100%; display: block; padding-top: 15px; } */吳瑞斌表示,東森電視新媒體獲利有三種,包含YouTube點閱、臉書分潤以及專案業務收入,其中57金錢爆、關鍵時刻點閱率非常高,且有五成以上點閱跟貢獻營收來自海外,貢獻營收足以獨立製作一個節目。臉書分潤部分則有影音及文字兩種,吳瑞斌表示,文字部分選擇留在臉書,不導回官網,可得到較多的分潤,更看好臉書打造Facebook Watch,主打長影片,未來潛力無窮,而專案收入則協助客戶做跨螢影片等,進行商品置入。吳瑞斌表示,東森電視兩年來經營臉書粉絲團從40萬成長到410萬,而旗下內容分享平台「噪咖」也創造280萬粉絲,網路上的影音觀看達6,000萬分鐘,相當於一個頻道0.2%收視率。



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